Working from home has many benefits, but there are just as many pitfalls. Here are some ways that you might try to avoid them…

Keep to regular
working hours

Keeping to a regular schedule will help you maintain motivation and concentration – which means you’ll get far more done. Plus, when your boss makes an unexpected call at 11 am you’ll be just where you need to be.

Maintain a work-life balance

It might seem like more time at home will help you balance your work and life. Unfortunately, it’s just as easy to let work take over, as it is to put off work in favour of household chores.

Plan you work

Planning your workday is just as important when at home as it is in the office. Making lists at the end and beginning of your day will help you keep on track.

Take a break

Plan your breaks – when you’ll have them and for how long. Get some fresh air, grab a snack or just sit in your garden. Time away from your desk will help you reset and set you up for your next work session.

Dress to impress

While it’s tempting to keep your pyjamas on, dressing as if you are going into the office helps get your brain in gear (and saves any embarrassment with unexpected Zoom calls). 

Carve out a workspace

Reclining on the sofa with your laptop on your knee might be comfortable, but with all the distractions of a house, it can be unproductive. Finding a space to make your office will help you keep your work and your life separated and make both less stressful.

Create boundaries

Whether you’re at home with your family, flatmates or pets – being firm about when you are at work and need to be distraction-free will help maintain friendly relationships with whoever you share your space with.

Keep it clean

Tidy up regularly, just like the cleaner would at your office. Empty your bin and keep your workspace neat. It will help you concentrate on the task at hand rather than getting distracted by scribbled notes from yesterday’s team Zoom.

Find your jam

With no office mates to distract and annoy, a bit of music can help keep out bothersome household noise. If you’re used to a busy office then it will help simulate the background hum that you might be missing. For repetitive tasks perhaps an audiobook or podcast might help the time go by better.

Keep connected

Whether or not you’re a watercooler gossip – keeping up with office mates will help maintain your sanity. Grab a virtual coffee, or organise a virtual Friday drink. Talk shop or not, keeping open communication will help relax your mind and might help with any problems you have with your work.

However you tackle this challenge – we hope you stay safe and stay well.

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